Journal Article

Mental health in higher education: Faculty staff survey on supporting students with mental health needs


The purpose of this paper is to examine how faculty staff on health and social care programmes  support students with mental health issues. The study used a qualitative survey design to gain in-depth information on faculty staff experiences. Seventy-one faculty staff at two universities in the South East of England out of an eligible population of 115 staff responded to an anonymous online questionnaire which were thematically analysed. The findings indicated that faculty staff were dealing with uncertainties in providing support to students with mental health needs. They reported tensions between their academic, professional and pastoral roles. There was a wide recognition that supporting students was physically and emotionally demanding for faulty staff and especially challenging when their roles and expectations were unclear. This was compounded by lack of explicit guidelines and an apparent severed connection between faculty staff and student support services A need for clearly defined roles and responsibilities for faculty staff in supporting students with mental health needs including a review of their pastoral role were identified.  The study reinforces the need for effective collaborative arrangements and collective decision making and clearer procedures in the planning and implementation of students’ personal support plans. A concerted  effort into adopting a transpersonal approach which incorporates mental health staff awareness training, restorative spaces for reflection and supportive pathways for faculty staff. This paper provides rare empirical evidence of faculty staff views on their role in supporting students with mental health needs on health and social care porgrammes.

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Ramluggun, Pras
Mansbridge, Sarah
Kozlowska, Olga
Rioga, Margaret
Anjoyeb, Mahmood

Oxford Brookes departments

Department of Nursing


Year of publication: 2022
Date of RADAR deposit: 2022-07-05

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

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This RADAR resource is the Accepted Manuscript of [DOI not yet active] Mental health in higher education: Faculty staff survey on supporting students with mental health needs


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