Podcast Episode

Navigating the Digital Wave: Executive Coaching in the Fourth Industrial Revolution with Dr Brajesh Bajpai

In this episode we explore the profound impact of digitisation, stemming from the Fourth Industrial Revolution, on executive coaching and the coaching industry. Dr Brajesh Bajpai, who is an accomplished executive coach discusses with us the broader impact of digitalisation on organiations and their leaders as well as the crucial role of executive coaches in guiding leaders through digital transformations. To discover more about today's talk and Brajesh’s wider research interests, you can visit Coaching in the Digital Age: Exploring Digitalisation's Impact on Executive Coaching: A Theoretical Framework and Proposed Agenda Shift | openEQUELLA (brookes.ac.uk) for Brajesh’s recently published paper in International Journal of Evidence-Based Coaching and Mentoring, or find his full doctoral thesis at Bajpai2023CoachingDigitalAge.pdf (brookes.ac.uk). His work can also be found in the recently published The Digital and AI Caoach’s Handbook in the form of a co-authored chapter on One-to-One Digital Coaching One-to-one digital coaching | 31 | The Digital and AI Coaches' Handbook (taylorfrancis.com).

From the series
Oxford Brookes Unscripted


Dr Brajesh Bajpai, Dr Ellie Beaman





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  • Owner: Ellie Beaman
  • Collection: Podcasts
  • Version: 1 (show all)
  • Status: Live
  • Views (since Sept 2022): 610