Journal Article

Alcohol intoxication and mental health among adolescents--a population review of 8983 young people, 13-19 years in North-Trondelag, Norway: the Young-HUNT Study


BACKGROUND: The aims of this study were to describe alcohol use among Norwegian teenagers and investigate the associations between mental health problems and alcohol intoxications with focus on age and gender. METHODS: Population based, cross-sectional survey addressing all adolescents aged 13-19 years, attending secondary or high school in North - Trondelag County, Norway. 8983 youths (91%) answered the Young-HUNT questionnaire in the 1995-1997 survey. Logistic regression models were used to study associations.RESULTS: 80% of the respondents reported that they had tried drinking alcohol, and 57% had been intoxicated at least once. The proportion of the students, which had tried alcohol, was equal in both genders and increased with age. Attention problems and conduct problems were strongly associated with frequent alcohol intoxications in both genders. Anxiety and depressive symptoms among girls were also related to high numbers of intoxications CONCLUSION: Gender differences in number of alcohol intoxications were small. There was a close association between both conduct and attention problems and high alcohol consumption in both genders. Girls with symptoms of anxiety and depression reported more frequent alcohol intoxications.

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Strandheim, A
Holmen, T
Coombes, L
Bentzen, N

Oxford Brookes departments

Faculty of Health and Life Sciences\Department of Social Work and Public Health


Year of publication: 2009
Date of RADAR deposit: 2012-07-18

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