
Coastal Sierra Leone: Materiality and the Unseen in Maritime West Africa. Introduction


Against the backdrop of a threadbare post-war state and a global marine ecology in treacherous decline, Jennifer Diggins offers a dynamic account of post-war Sierra Leone, through the examination of a precarious frontier economy and those who depend on it. The book traces how understandings of intimacy, interdependence, and exploitation have been shaped through a history of indentured labour, violence, and gendered migration; and how these relationships are being renegotiated once more in a context of deepening economic uncertainty. At its core, this is about the material substance of human relationships. One can go a long way towards mapping the town's shifting networks of friendship, love, and obligation simply by watching the vast daily traffic in gifts of fish exchanging hands on the wharf. However, these mundane social and economic strategies are often inflected through a cultural dynamic of 'secrecy', and a shared sense of the unseen forces understood to inhabit the material world.--Supplied by publisher.

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Diggins, Jennifer

Oxford Brookes departments

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences\Department of Social Sciences


Year of publication: 2018
Date of RADAR deposit: 2019-02-21

This copyright material has been published in Coastal Sierra Leone : materiality and the unseen in maritime West Africa / by Jennifer Diggins []. This version is free to view and download for private research and study only. Not for re-distribution or re-use.

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This RADAR resource is the Accepted Manuscript of Coastal Sierra Leone: Materiality and the Unseen in Maritime West Africa
This RADAR resource is Part of Coastal Sierra Leone: Materiality and the unseen in maritime West Africa (ISBN: 9781108471169)


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