Daniel Lea wins Nigel Messenger Award for Outstanding Contribution to English Teaching

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Daniel Lea wins Nigel Messenger Award for Outstanding Contribution to English Teaching


At a barbeque for third-year English undergraduates on Friday 4 May 2012, Dr Daniel Lea was presented with an award which marks his outstanding contribution to teaching on the English degree. The award, named in honour of a much-loved long-serving and retired colleague, Victorianist and Modernist Nigel Messenger, is voted on in a secret ballot of undergraduates and postgraduates studying English, Drama and Creative Writing at Oxford Brookes. The Department instigated the award two years ago, though originally it was Dan’s idea. It was first awarded to Dr Caroline Jackson-Houlston in 2010, and in 2011 to Dr Eric White. Presenting the award, Head of Department Simon Kövesi praised Dan for “maintaining a genuinely liberating principle in his teaching and academic leadership, while having a meticulous and fastidious approach to detail which the high standards of the discipline of English demands. He is a brilliant colleague and an outstanding teacher.” In voting anonymously online, students were given the opportunity to comment on their preferred candidate for the award. Comments about Dan included:

Dan Lea has been truly inspirational during the last year, and I have learnt so much from his teaching. He is extremely helpful, engaging and friendly, and clearly has an absolute passion for his subject. I owe him my degree!
The Madness and Literature module has been my favourite module across the degree.
Stimulating, organised, seminars - ability to bring out best in group discussions and to respond to individual students' teaching needs. Very approachable and well-organised.
His lecturing was inspiring, very enjoyable, extremely accessible and very informative.
Dan’s was the only class I made sure to attend every single week without fail.
He is brilliant.
He was personable and knowledgeable.
Every lecture with him has been given fantastically. They have been both informative and inspiring.
I think Dan really loves students.
I found every lecture interesting and he seems to have a real enthusiasm for what he is teaching.
He explains everything clearly, he is a genius, he is friendly, he is smiley, his lectures are always interesting and he is a little bit awesome.
He's always flexible and makes time for you, despite his seniority. You always has a smile on his face and helps you develop individual ideas and content in an encouraging and friendly manner.
Dan said: “It won’t change me, I’ll still have time for the little people … now I’m off to grow my Messenger beard!”

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