Journal Article

Pandemic-related changes in alcohol use among LGB+ people with and without mental health and neurodevelopmental conditions : a multinational cross-sectional study


Purpose. Using data from 36,981 respondents to the Global Drug Survey COVID-19 Special Edition (GDS) this study aimed to compare changes, following the first ‘lockdown’, in alcohol consumption between LGB+ and heterosexual respondents with and without lifetime mental health and neurodevelopmental (MHND) conditions. Design/method/approach. Characteristics and drinking behavior of respondents to GDS who disclosed their sexual orientation, and past 30-day alcohol use were described and compared. LGB+ participants with and without MHND conditions were compared and logistic regression models identified correlates of increased drinking among LGB+ people. The impact of changed drinking on the lives of LGB+ participants with and without MHND conditions was assessed. Findings. LGB+ participants who reported they were “not coping well at all” with the pandemic had 2-fold greater odds of reporting increased binge drinking. LGB+ participants with MHND conditions were significantly more likely than those without to report increased drinking frequency (18.7% vs 12.4%), quantity (13.8% vs 8.8%) and that changed drinking had impacted their lives. Originality. This study, which has a uniquely large and international sample, explores aspects of alcohol use not considered in other COVID-19 alcohol use research with LGB+ people and is the first to explore alcohol use among LGB+ people with MHND conditions. 

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Connolly, Dean
Gilchrist, Gail
Ferris, Jason
Puljevic, Cheneal
Maier, Larissa
Barratt, Monica
Winstsock, Adam
Davies, Emma

Oxford Brookes departments

Department of Psychology, Health and Professional Development


Year of publication: 2023
Date of RADAR deposit: 2023-11-10

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

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