This study’s overall aim is to determine whether feeding behaviours differ between UK garden bird species, specifically focusing on the effects of access to a variety of feed types and the provision of predation cover near feeding areas. This is a multidisciplinary study involving both first-hand behavioural observations of feeding birds, and a human-participant survey focusing on the general public’s opinions and behaviours towards garden bird species. The survey includes 283 human participants and has been shared through local community pages, such as the platform ‘Next Door’, and through the local radio station ‘BBC Radio Oxford’ during the Sunday Garden and Wildlife Breakfast Show. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, behavioural observations have been performed in a private garden, with a total of 20 hours’ worth of behavioural data collected. During observations, three different feed types were presented in three different feeding areas within the garden: suet blocks in a fully covered area, mixed seeds and nuts in a partially covered area, and mealworms in an open area. Using current research from The British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), the predictions for this study’s results include: smaller bird species will feed in areas with an abundance of predatory cover, smaller species will consume more seeds and nut feed types, and medium to larger bird species will feed from areas with proteins and fat provisions. This research is important in understanding UK bird species and their behavioural responses to the changing human demographics.
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Richards, Jessica
Faculty of Health and Life SciencesDepartment of Biological and Medical Sciences
Year: 2021
© Richards, Jessica All rights reserved.