Journal Article

Me and my AI : exploring the effects of consumer self-construal and AI-based experience on avoiding similarity and willingness to pay


Artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping consumer interaction with brands, but little is known about how brands can implement AI tools effectively. Drawing on consumer uniqueness and self-construal theories, the authors examine the implementation of branded AI tools and their influence on consumers' experience, sense of uniqueness, and spending behavior. Across five studies, this research examines consumers' narratives about interacting with a branded AI tool (Study 1); tests the relationships between self-construal, AI-enabled consumer experiences, and avoidance of similarity (Studies 2A and 2B); evaluates in situ experience with a branded AI tool and its implications for spending behavior (Study 3); and delineates consumer preferences about the attributes of branded AI tools (Study 4). The findings reveal that individuals characterized by independent self-construal are prone toward perceiving higher recognition and hedonic values during their experience with branded AI tools, partially enhancing consumer avoidance of similarity and influencing their willingness to pay for products that the AI tool recommends. For practitioners, the findings suggest developing a two-fold value proposition strategy for consumers by generating personal and psychological value together with product and service recommendations.

The fulltext files of this resource are currently embargoed.
Embargo end: 2025-09-30


Loureiro, Sandra Maria Correia
Jiménez-Barreto, Jano
Bilro, Ricardo Godinho
Romero, Jaime

Oxford Brookes departments

Oxford Brookes Business School


Year of publication: 2023
Date of RADAR deposit: 2023-10-03

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This RADAR resource is the Accepted Manuscript of Me and my AI: Exploring the effects of consumer self-construal and AI-based experience on avoiding similarity and willingness to pay


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  • Collection: Outputs
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