Conference Poster

Virtual Reality: It’s Impact on Art and Design Education


‘Can using Virtual Reality software and media have as great an impact on learning Art and Design as older and more traditional 2D and 3D equipment and media.’ Research has been carried out on a sample of 6 students studying Level 3 Art and Design. All students are 18- 19years old and a mix of male and female gender. Students took part in a series of task activities including exploration and application of media for a specific design outcome, using both virtual reality media and non -virtual reality media. Students responses to each media and its environment were recorded before, during and after the timed task activities. Methods of gathering and recording both quantitative and qualitative data took place in the form of written and verbal questionnaires. Questions both highlighted feedback, and provided data which is being examined as to students’ feelings and responses to the varying medias, with attention given to motivation, anxiety, physical and psychological comfort, media appeal, confidence, capabilities, engagement and productivity. As virtual reality technology advances in society, so does its presence in education and industry. But how and when should it be used in learning? Exploring the capabilities and impact of virtual reality learning in art and design will provide both teachers and students with not just understanding and exposure to an ever-advancing field, but also the opportunity to capitalise on the strengths of this media, and build foundational experiences using virtual reality which could inform future career choices.

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Redhead, Rebecca


Year: 2018

© The Author(s)
Published by Oxford Brookes University

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

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