
Pathways to spinout


Our findings show that there can be different pathways to spinning out a company from university research. The journey often starts with a patent, but not in all cases. There might be intermediate steps to commercialisation such as consultancy and licensing. Public funding, such as grants provided by Innovate UK, can offer a helpful financial springboard at the early stages of the process. From the experiences of women and men founders that we have both directly interviewed and undertaken background research on, we have identified a few examples, outlined below, and highlighted key steps which illustrate such diversity.



Griffiths, Heather (Centre for Diversity Policy Research and Practice (Oxford Brookes University))
Grisoni, Louise (Centre for Diversity Policy Research and Practice (Oxford Brookes University))
Manfredi, Simonetta (Centre for Diversity Policy Research and Practice (Oxford Brookes University))
Still, Alexis (Centre for Diversity Policy Research and Practice (Oxford Brookes University))
Tzanakou, Charoula (Centre for Diversity Policy Research and Practice (Oxford Brookes University))

Oxford Brookes departments

Oxford Brookes Business School


Year: 2021


EPSRC (ISNI: 0000 0004 0394 8681) : Promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in university spinout companies: A case for action (EP/S010734/1)

Published by Oxford Brookes University

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

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