
Youth interviews from 'Education to Employment': Interview transcripts with young refugees about their trajectories from education to employment


This dataset comprises 293 interview transcripts of interviews conducted in 2019-2022 with young refugees in Jordan and Lebanon about their journeys from education to employment. These interview transcripts form part of the dataset from the project 'Education to Employment'.


Interview transcripts, Young Person, Refugee, Camp, Non-camp, Informal camp, Jordanian, Lebanese, Palestinian, Syrian, Education, Employment,

Access to the files of this resource is restricted.
Information about access: The interview data concerns young people's education, employment, and displacement histories and their current situation. It is not possible to completely de-identify the data while retaining meaning in the interview transcripts. In order to protect the anonymity and privacy of the participants, their data is restricted. Access will be granted to those who can demonstrate that their research is in the public interest, and who hold ethical approval from their university or institutional body to work with such material. Final decisions on access to the material will be made by the Director of CENDEP (Oxford Brookes University) and the Director of the Centre for Lebanese Studies. To request access please contact


Centre for Lebanese Studies
Centre for Development and Emergency Practice (CENDEP)

Oxford Brookes departments

Faculty of Technology, Design and Environment
School of Architecture


Year: 2022


Economic and Social Research (GRID: grid.434257.3) : From education to employment? Trajectories for young people in Lebanon in the context of protracted displacement (ES/S004742/1)
International Development Research Centre (GRID: grid.419341.a) : Towards employment? Youth trajectories in Jordan and Lebanon’s refugee crisis (109043)


Al Jamaa
Al Quweismeh
Qasabet Amman

© Oxford Brookes University and Centre for Lebanese Studies
Published by Oxford Brookes University
All rights reserved.

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This RADAR resource is Part of Education to Employment


  • Owner: Daniel Croft
  • Collaborators: Zoe Jordan, Elisa Ferrato
  • Collection: Research
  • Version: 1 (show all)
  • Status: Live
  • Views (since Sept 2022): 238