Cavitation erosion is a major challenge for marine and fluid machinery systems. This study investigated the erosion performance of two as-cast aluminium alloys exposed to acoustic cavitation in water at temperatures of 10–50 °C and those were then compared with an extruded wrought alloy tested specifically at the temperature of maximum erosion. The results showed that the as-cast A380 alloy displayed exceptional resistance to cavitation erosion, with the lowest mass loss and surface roughness. This finding suggests that the as-cast A380 alloy is a suitable choice for lightweight, high-performance components in applications where cavitation resistance is critical.
Priyadarshi, Abhinav KrzemieĊ, WiktorSalloum-Abou-Jaoude, GeorgesBroughton, James Pericleous, KoulisEskin, DmitryTzanakis, Iakovos
School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics
Year of publication: 2023Date of RADAR deposit: 2023-10-13