Book Chapter

'And what are all these people watching?': The American celebrity industry, genre, and film adaptations of school shootings

Attached files


Steenberg, Lindsay

Oxford Brookes departments

School of Arts


Year of publication: Not yet published.
Date of RADAR deposit: 2022-06-30

"This is an unedited chapter that has been accepted for publication in All-American Massacre: The Tragic Role of American Culture and Society in Mass Shootings edited by Eric Madfis and Adam Lankford from Temple University Press. ©2023 by Temple University. This document is for archival purposes only and should not be referenced or cited."

Related resources

This RADAR resource is Part of All American massacre: The tragic role of American culture and society in mass shootings [ISBN: 9781439923122] / edited by Eric Madfis and Adam Lankford (Temple University Press, 2023).


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