Journal Article

Factors influencing establishment success in reintroduced Black-faced spider monkeys Ateles chamek


Establishing reintroduced primates in a suitable predetermined area has proven to be a challenge. Establishment is the first major step that has to be taken in the long process of reintroduction. When this first goal is not achieved, the chances of success decline drastically. Understanding the main determinants of establishment is therefore crucial for reintroduction success. This study examined the influence of three independent factors on the establishment success of reintroduced spider monkeys. We analysed data from the releases of eight groups of black-faced spider monkeys (Ateles chamek), which are part of the official reintroduction program of spider monkeys in the South Eastern Peruvian Amazon. Establishment success was measured by the proportions of individuals within groups  that were found in the target area six months after release. The hours research assistants and volunteers spent with the group within the first three months after release – in the context of post-release monitoring – was shown to have a positive effect on the establishment success of the released group in the target area. The presence of an already established group in the area was found to have also a significant positive effect on establishment success. The influence of the days of post-release food provisioning had no effect  Our findings emphasize the importance of long-term monitoring programs to help increase the efficiency of primate reintroductions.

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Pottie, Sam
Bello, Raul
Donati, Giuseppe

Oxford Brookes departments

Department of Social Sciences


Year of publication: 2021
Date of RADAR deposit: 2021-08-26

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