Photos, digital tools and wellbeing with older Oxford residents

From the Oxford Brookes University News Archive

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Photos, digital tools and wellbeing with older Oxford residents


Researchers at the Oxford Brookes Business School and the School of Arts recently held the launch of their community research project exhibition: 'Photos, digital tools and wellbeing with older Oxford residents' at the Lab Space, Oxford Brookes, Headington campus.

This exploratory study aimed to understand the role of images and image sharing for older people through digital tools, and the impact of connecting memories to wellbeing. Innovative research workshops took place at East Oxford Community Centre in Spring 2019 involving local residents aged 60 and over. 

Using photographs shared by the participants in the workshops, this exhibition showcased the memories of local older people and how connecting through photos enhanced feelings of wellbeing. Increasingly, connecting may be done through using digital tools to share photos as friends and family become more dispersed. As one participant said:

Your your world shrinks when you get older and feeling part of life and part of a community by being able to share with others makes me feel better.

Oxford community

The exhibition incorporates photographs, projected word clouds, images from the data collecting workshops, portraits of the participants and audio narratives by the participants themselves describing their chosen photographs.

Many of the participants were entranced to see the results of the project and pleased to see each other again at the exhibition launch. Our participants commented:

It was touching and inspiring to share memories with others on this project. Sharing photos is a tangible form of communication, it connects people in a way that words can't.

The exhibition is open every day until 12 December. For further information about the a project please contact or

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• Oxford Brookes Business School


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  • Collection: Brookes News Archive
  • Version: 1 (show all)
  • Status: Live
  • Views (since Sept 2022): 364