Journal Article

Male victims of domestic abuse: implications for health visiting practice


Domestic abuse is a significant public health issue globally. Although it is recognised that both sexes may be victims of domestic abuse, the phenomenon is commonly understood from the perspective of male to female violence, supported by a substantial body of research and policy focusing on female victims of domestic abuse. However, evidence shows that significant numbers of men are victims of female-perpetrated violence, but as the issue is under-explored, the extent and effects of abuse are poorly understood. For health visitors working within communities in the United Kingdom, knowledge of all aspects of domestic abuse is vital in the delivery of evidence-based practice. A systematically conducted critical literature review aimed at establishing the current body of knowledge on male victims of domestic abuse was undertaken, and implications for health visiting practice considered. Nineteen primary research studies were included in the review. A thematic analysis identified four themes: ‘violent relationship’, ‘harms and behaviours’, ‘risk’ and ‘seeking help’. Results show that men reported being victims of female-perpetrated physical, emotional, psychological and sexual abuse, with some experiencing severe aggression, control and fear. Health visitors have an important role to play in influencing policy and in practice addressing the health and social care needs of male victims of domestic abuse and their families.

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Perryman, S
Appleton, J

Oxford Brookes departments

Faculty of Health and Life Sciences\Department of Psychology, Social Work and Public Health


Year of publication: 2016
Date of RADAR deposit: 2016-10-13

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