Journal Article

Embedding clinical research in pre-registration nursing and midwifery programmes


Background: Within the UK, there is a goal that research is embedded into everyday healthcare practice. Currently education provided to students at pre-registration level is theoretical, with little focus on clinical research delivery. Aims: The paper’s aim is to report on the development and evaluation of a pre-registration clinical research resource for nursing and midwifery students with direct application to clinical settings and patient care outcomes. Methods: An initial survey assessed whether the learning resource was useful for nursing pre-registration students. Based on the findings, alongside expert stakeholder input, adaptations were made to the learning resources and a second survey re-evaluated the learning resources. Survey findings were analysed using descriptive statistics. Free text responses were thematically grouped. Results: Ninety-seven pre-registration nursing students responded. Most students agreed that they had enjoyed using the resources, had improved understanding of clinical research, anticipated being actively involved in research and would consider a future clinical research role. Conclusions: The learning resources can help overcome barriers to research engagement by nurses and midwives. The results demonstrate that research can be incorporated into clinical, educational and academic roles, highlighting their worth in supporting the clinical research workforce.

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Henshall, Catherine
Dorgan, Sharon
Menzies, Julie
Hopewell, Nancy
Briggs, Michelle
Cunningham, Nicola
Rostron, Heather
Brand, Sarah
Allison, Jennifer

Oxford Brookes departments

Oxford School of Nursing and Midwifery


Year of publication: 2024
Date of RADAR deposit: 2024-04-08

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