Finding what you really want on the Library Catalogue (OLD)


Video demonstrating tips and tricks for more effective catalogue searching. Produced with BA Primary Teacher Education students as a deliverable from Hazel Rothera's Learning & Teaching Fellowship project.

Links to resources


Designed to show students how to get the most out of the Library Catalogue through features such as selecting by campus, sorting results by date, using subject tags, etc. Created with contributions (storyboarding and narration) from BA Primary Teacher Education students as part of Hazel Rothera's Learning & Teaching Fellowship project.

Teaching subject area

Any, Education


library, catalogue, information_literacy, video

Date produced


Faculty or department

Directorate of Learning Resources\Library

Graduate attributes

Research literacy, Digital and information literacy


copyright Oxford Brookes University, except where indicated in the item description


  • Owner: Hazel Rothera
  • Collection: OER
  • Version: 1 (show all)
  • Status: Live
  • Views (since Sept 2022): 64