International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring
2019, Vol. 17(2). DOI: 10.24384/IJEBCM/17/2

Volume 17, Issue 2

Judie Gannon

Academic Papers

Breaking Grad: Building Resilience Among a Sample of Graduate Students Struggling with Stress and Anxiety via a Peer Coaching Model – An 8-Month Pilot Study 
Rebecca R. Fried, Melanie-Anne P. Atkins, and Jennifer D. Irwin

Mentoring and Career Satisfaction Among Emerging Nurse Scholars 
Terrelle Foster and Jacqueline J. Hill

Trust-based mentoring towards a new knowledge state as a change cycle: Exploring key interpersonal interactions 
Stephen Atkins

The experiences of educational coaches prior to their first placement: An interpretative phenomenological analysis 
David Tee, Margaret Barr, and Christian van Nieuwerburgh

Coaching women towards authenticity: An appropriate workplace environment 
Sally Jackson

Empowering female pre-retirees with a goal focused coaching relationship and a direct focus on well-being: A mixed method multiple case study
Mary Louise Fogg

Communication Modalities and their Perceived Effectiveness in Coaching for Individuals with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 
Elizabeth Ahmann and Micah Saviet

Migrant mentoring to work: defining an old-but-innovative instrument 
Peter De Cuyper, Hanne Vandermeerschen, and Damini Purkayastha

As Iron Sharpens Iron: A mentoring approach to labour market integration for humanitarian migrants 
Akiva Weiss and Marina Tulin

What happens in group supervision? Exploring current practice in Australia
Paul Lawrence

The role of coaching and coach language in clients’ language and individual change
Barbara Fölscher-Kingwill and Nicky Terblanche

Team Coaching: A thematic analysis of methods used by external coaches in a work domain
Ross Hastings and William Pennington

Book Reviews

Values and Ethics in Coaching
Reviewed by Malgorzata Ciesielska

Coaching for professional development: Using literature to support success 
Reviewed by Elaine Cox


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