Conference Paper

Pattern-based approach to modelling and verifying system security


Security is one of the most important problems in the engineering of online service-oriented systems. The current best practice in security design is a pattern-oriented approach. A large number of security design patterns have been identified, categorised and documented in the literature. The design of a security solution for a system starts with identification of security requirements and selection of appropriate security design patterns; these are then composed together. It is crucial to verify that the composition of security design patterns is valid in the sense that it preserves the features, semantics and soundness of the patterns and correct in the sense that the security requirements are met by the design. This paper proposes a methodology that employs the algebraic specification language SOFIA to specify security design patterns and their compositions. The specifications are then translated into the Alloy formalism and their validity and correctness are verified using the Alloy model checker. A tool that translates SOFIA into Alloy is presented. A case study with the method and the tool is also reported.

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Zheng Xiaoyu
Liu Dongmei
Zhu Hong
Bayley, Ian

Oxford Brookes departments

School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics


Year of publication: 2020
Date of RADAR deposit: 2020-05-28

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