Podcast Episode

School Nursing in the Time of Covid

The Covid-19 pandemic required new ways of working and accelerated innovative practice in school nursing. This mixed-methods study, funded by the General Nursing Council England and Wales Trust, aimed to identify changes in school nurse practice working with children and young people, explore the benefits and challenges in school nurse work to support vulnerable children and young people during the pandemic, map new ways of working, and consider the use of these going forward. We conducted an international scoping review of evidence examining innovative school nurse practice with children and young people, and children’s social care; gathered school nurse’s views through an e-survey across England and Wales to identify innovative practices in front-line school nursing work with vulnerable children and young people, and examined school nurses’ views about new practices with vulnerable children and young people, and work with children’s social care through focus groups and interviews. We sought to identify learning from the three phases of the study to inform future school nursing practice. Final report https://doi.org/10.24384/1EK2-RN30 Cook, G., Appleton, J.V., Bekaert, S., Harrold, T., Taylor, J. and Sammut, D., 2023. School nursing: New ways of working with children and young people during the Covid‐19 pandemic: A scoping review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 79(2), pp.471-501. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/jan.15504 Sammut, D., Cook, G., Taylor, J., Harrold, T., Appleton, J. and Bekaert, S., 2022. School Nurse Perspectives of Working with Children and Young People in the United Kingdom during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Online Survey Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(1), p.481. https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/20/1/481

From the series
Oxford Brookes Unscripted


Dr Sarah Bakaert, Dr Georgia Cook, Tikki Harrold, and Kirsten Etheridge





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