Journal Article

Bereaved caregivers’ experiences of end of life care for people with advanced heart failure: A narrative synthesis


Background. Heart Failure is a life-limiting condition with a poor and uniquely unpredictable prognosis. The aim of this review is to present and synthesise the current evidence around bereaved caregivers’ experiences of end of life care for people with Heart Failure. Methods. A systematic review of the literature was conducted using four electronic databases (CINHAL, Medline, BND, PsycINFO). Data was analysed and presented using a narrative synthesis approach. Results. Eight articles were included within this review. Themes included: Limited and inadequate communication around the condition (including prognosis, preparations for death and the aim of palliative care), the burden of caregiving, and the limited provision of services and formal support. Conclusion. Bereaved caregivers experience unique and significant challenges when caring for someone dying from Heart Failure. However, further research is required to greater understand the experiences of bereaved caregivers of people with Heart Failure.

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Diggle, Melanie F.J.
Schutz, Sue
Butcher, Dan

Oxford Brookes departments

Oxford School of Nursing and Midwifery


Year of publication: 2022
Date of RADAR deposit: 2022-09-20

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

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