This paper describes a high-performance impedance measurement circuit for the application of skin impedance measurement in the early detection of skin cancer. A CMRR improvement technique has been adopted for OTAs to reduce the impact of high frequency common mode interference. A modified 3-OTA IA has been proposed to help with the impedance measurement. Such systems offer a quick, non-invasive and painless procedure, thus having considerable advantages over the currently used approach, which is based upon the testing of a biopsy sample. The sensor has been implemented in 65nm CMOS technology and post layout simulations confirms the theoretical claims we made and sensor exhibits sensitivity. Circuit consumes 45uW from 1.5V power supply. The circuit occupies 0.01954mm2 silicon area.
Hayatleh, KhaledZourob, SaddamNagulapalli, RBarker, Steve Yassine, Nabil Georgiou, P.Lidgey, FJ
Faculty of Technology, Design and Environment\School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics
Year of publication: 2018Date of RADAR deposit: 2018-06-21