Conference Poster

For the people, by the people: Rethinking the community participatory design process and if it can effectively lead to better Public spaces


Cities and their public spaces are key places that encourage human interactions, they are catalysts for human experiences and connections. Unfortunately, in the present day, cities are rapidly growing at an unprecedented rate and the strive for innovation is causing a decrease in human interaction due to the priority placed on cars and the control of its traffic, high rise buildings and dense city living. This research explores the public participatory design process in architectural development and if it can effectively lead to better public spaces for people. Applying the human centric approach to examine the built environment industry, will shift the focus to citizens of cities, and further show how they could contribute to design development. This research uses this approach to explore the spatial arrangements and urban layer of two developed capitals, the city of London and the city of Copenhagen. Critically qualitative analysis was conducted on both areas: Peckham square in London was analysed showing contrary views of its development and the complex participatory design process. The Superkilen project in Copenhagen as the latter known for its intense and successful public participation process. The research outcome accepts the claimed hypothesis in the existing literature that public participation can lead to better public spaces for people. Both case studies however, have shown that the public consists of many communities and the challenges to represent and please all. The real issue of cities today concludes down to power and control and how citizens do not have the final say. This research should interest urban planners, policy makers and designers.

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Boamah-Nyamekye, Adonai

Oxford Brookes departments

School of Architecture


Year: 2019

© Boamah-Nyamekye, Adonai
Published by Oxford Brookes University

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

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