Conference Paper

Automation of datamorphic testing


This paper presents an automated tool called Morphy for datamorphic testing. It classifies software test artefacts into test entities and test morphisms, which are mappings on testing entities. In addition to datamorphisms, metamorphisms and seed test case makers, Morphy also employs a set of other test morphisms including test case metrics and filters, test set metrics and filters, test result analysers and test executers to realise test automation. In particular, basic testing activities can be automated by invoking test morphisms. Test strategies can be realised as complex combinations of test morphisms. Test processes can be automated by recording, editing and playing test scripts that invoke test morphisms and strategies. Three types of test strategies have been implemented in Morphy: datamorphism combination strategies, cluster border exploration strategies and strategies for test set optimisation via genetic algorithms. This paper focuses on the datamorphism combination strategies by giving their definitions and implementation algorithms. The paper also illustrates their uses for testing both traditional software and AI applications with three case studies.

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Zhu Hong
Bayley, Ian
Liu Dongmei
Zheng Xiaoyu

Oxford Brookes departments

School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics


Year of publication: 2020
Date of RADAR deposit: 2020-01-30

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