It is forecast that by 2050, 153.8 million people will be living with dementia worldwide. Understanding effective interventions is key to building, delivery and maintaining sustainable excellence in dementia care. First conceptualised in 2003, Namaste Care is a multimodal intervention that focuses on sensory stimulation to improve quality of life. The core principles of Namaste Care are creating a calm environment, providing loving touch and engaging the senses. This literature review was conducted to consolidate evidence for the benefits of implementing Namaste Care. Four themes were identified; behavioural benefits, improved quality of life, physical benefits and institutional benefits. This review concluded that Namaste Care can reduce agitation, increase communication, strengthen relationships, improve wellbeing, provide health benefits, influence care culture, enable respite and support organisational improvements.
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Sadler-Ladell, Jasmin
Supervisors: Massey-Pawadyira, Janet
Oxford School of Nursing and MidwiferyDepartment of Nursing
Year: 2024
© Sadler-Ladell, Jasmin