Journal Article

Collateral contamination concomitant to the polonium-210 poisoning of Mr Alexander Litvinenko


Mr Litvinenko died on 23rd November 2006, having been poisoned with polonium-210 on 1st November, with evidence of a previous poisoning attempt during October 2006. Measurements of 210Po in urine samples were made for a large number of people to determine whether they may have been contaminated. In the majority of cases, measured levels were attributable to the presence of 210Po from normal dietary sources. For a small number of cases, elevated levels provided evidence of direct contamination associated with the poisonings. For one individual, while estimated doses were below thresholds for irreversible organ damage, a notably increased risk of cancer can be inferred. The use of the chelating agent, Unithiol, to increase 210Po excretion in this case was only moderately effective in reducing doses received.

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Harrison, John
Smith, Tracy
Fell, Tim
Smith, Jenny
Ham, George
Haylock, Richard
Hodgson, Alan
Etherington, George

Oxford Brookes departments

Faculty of Health and Life Sciences


Year of publication: 2017
Date of RADAR deposit: 2017-11-01

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

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