Dalit Mother - Jyoti Sahi c.2000


Dalit Mother by Jyoti Sahi circa 2000. Painting of a Dalit (oppressed) mother and child by the Indian artist and writer Jyoti Sahi. This painting forms part of the The Methodist Church Collection of Modern Christian Art.

Resource type

still image

Teaching subject area

Any, Anthropology, Art (History of Art), Communication, Media and Culture, Development Studies, Education, Geography, History, Philosophy , Religion and Theology, Sociology


Dalit untouchable Hinduism India Jyoti Sahi

Resource designed for:

students, staff

Graduate attributes

Research literacy, Global citizenship, Critical self-awareness and personal literacy

Resource added by (Faculty or Directorate)

Faculties\Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences

Legacy information


Date deposited:

03 May 2011

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