Journal Article

Tourism myths and the Dunning Kruger effect


There are many erroneous but pervasive ‘truths’ about tourism. This study assesses individuals' capacity to question these myths alongside their self-perceptions of their critical thinking skills. The research used a survey with 1493 respondents from 22 universities across 16 countries/territories to test the Dunning Kruger effect, which suggests an inverse relationship between self-belief and competence. The data provides strong evidence of the Dunning Kruger effect insofar as those more likely to believe in tourism myths also had a greater tendency to overestimate their capabilities, and vice versa. We discuss the possible causes and the implications for tourism education, identifying potential interventions at different points along learners' developmental journeys to help ensure a more sustainable future for tourism scholarship and practice.

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Embargo end: 2026-01-12


Pratt, Stephen
Pan Bing
Agyeiwaah, Elizabeth
Lei, Soey Sut
Lugosi, Peter
Kirillova, Ksenia
Piirman, Marit
Lockwood Sutton, Jonathan
Jönsson, H, Cristina
Haselwanter, Stefanie
Smith, Ryan P.
Sinha, Rupa
Berno, Tracy
Mackenzie, Murray
Graci, Sonya
Rao, Y. Venkata
Veliverronena, Linda
Zekan, Bozana
Suranga Silva, D.A.C.
Park Soyoung

Oxford Brookes departments

Oxford Brookes Business School


Year of publication: 2024
Date of RADAR deposit: 2023-07-20

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

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