Conference Paper

Spatial mapping approach to target the local deployment of distributed energy resources in the UK


Energy systems in most countries distribute electricity over centralized networks using primarily carbon intensive fossil fuels. For energy system to become decarbonised and decentralised to meet climate targets, large-scale application of distributed energy resources (DERs) that provide low carbon heating and electricity will be necessary. This paper uses a domestic energy mapping approach to baseline energy use and target appropriate dwellings for the application of DERs (heat pumps, rooftop solar, batteries) in five existing neighbourhoods (each comprising 200-450 dwellings) located in five council districts in Oxfordshire (UK). The dwellings are assessed using a bottom -up energy model called DECoRuM combined with a GIS-based approach to spatially map results. The results show that rooftop solar installation potential ranges widely depending on neighbourhood; between 1%-9% of dwellings can take up installations of 4kWp size and above, with an average size of 2.1 kWp, resulting in average energy reductions ranging from 69%-77%. The proposed approach can enable local authorities, community energy project developers and district network operators to extract local spatial intelligence rapidly and accurately for large -scale deployment of distributed energy resources. This can avoid expensive reinforcement of the local electricity networks.

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Gupta, Rajat
Gregg, Matt

Oxford Brookes departments

School of Architecture


Year of publication: 2022
Date of RADAR deposit: 2023-06-01

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