Podcast Episode

Ep0.1 Welcome to My MARS mantra podcast_Rumana Kabir

Are you an optimist? Are you interested to know about ‘all the problems in this world and how we can try solving them?’ Then listen to real-life stories from Changemakers working in disasters and development. Find out what motivates them to do what they do, how they find their inner resilience to overcome challenges and cherish successes. Their stories of Motivation, Actions, Reflections for a Sustainable future or MARS mantra will inspire you to find your own MARS mantra - your purpose and your inner resilience. You can take part by emailing us and sharing your stories. Contact us: mymarsmantra@gmail.com Visit our website mymarsmantra.com

From the series
My MARS mantra


Rumana Kabir






  • Owner: Rumana Kabir
  • Collection: Podcasts
  • Version: 1 (show all)
  • Status: Live
  • Views (since Sept 2022): 420