Journal Article

A many-analysts approach to the relation between religiosity and well-being


The relation between religiosity and well-being is one of the most researched topics in the psychology of religion, yet the directionality and robustness of the effect remains debated. Here, we adopted a many-analysts approach to assess the robustness of this relation based on a new cross-cultural dataset (N=10,535 participants from 24 countries). We recruited 120 analysis teams to investigate (1) whether religious people self-report higher well-being, and (2) whether the relation between religiosity and self-reported well-being depends on perceived cultural norms of religion (i.e., whether it is considered normal and desirable to be religious in a given country). In a two-stage procedure, the teams first created an analysis plan and then executed their planned analysis on the data. For the first research question, all but 3 teams reported positive effect sizes with credible/confidence intervals excluding zero (median reported β=0.120). For the second research question, this was the case for 65% of the teams (median reported β=0.039). While most teams applied (multilevel) linear regression models, there was considerable variability in the choice of items used to construct the independent variables, the dependent variable, and the included covariates.

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Hoogeveen S, Sarafoglou A, Aczel B, Aditya Y, Alayan AJ, Allen PJ, Altay S, Alzahawi S, Amir Y, Anthony F-V, Appiah OK, Atkinson QD, Baimel A, Balkaya-Ince M, Balsamo M, Banker S, Bartoš F, Becerra M, Beffara B, Beitner J, Bendixen T, Berkessel JB, Berniūnas R, Billet MI, Billingsley J, Bortolini T, Breitsohl H, Bret A, Brown FL, Brown J, Brumbaugh CC, Buczny J, Bulbulia J, Caballero S, Carlucci L, Carmichael CL, Cattaneo MEGV, Charles SJ, Claessens S, Panagopoulos MC, Costa AB, Crone DL, Czoschke S, Czymara C, D’Urso ED, Dahlström Ö, Dalla Rosa A, Danielsson H, De Ron J, de Vries YA, Dean KK, Dik BJ, Disabato DJ, Doherty JK, Draws T, Drouhot L, Dujmovic M, Dunham Y, Ebert T, Edelsbrunner PA, Eerland A, Elbaek CT, Farahmand S, Farahmand H, Farias M, Feliccia AA, Fischer K, Fischer R, Fisher-Thompson D, Francis Z, Frick S, Frisch LK, Geraldes D, Gerdin E, Geven L, Ghasemi O, Gielens E, Gligorić V, Hagel K, Hamilton HR, Hamzah I, Hanel PHP, Hawk CE, Holding BC, Homman L, E, Ingendahl M,
Inkilä H, Inman ML, Islam C-G, Isler O, Izydorczyk D, Jaeger B, Johnson KA, Jong J, Karl JA, Himawan KK, Kaszubowski E, Katz BA, Keefer LA, Kelchtermans S, Kelly JM, Klein RA, Kleinberg B, Knowles ML, Dave Koller MK, Krasko J, Kritzler S, Krypotos A-M, Kyritsis T, (Larson) Landes T, Laukenmann R, Lavender Forsyth GA, Lazar A, Lehman BJ, Levy N, Lo RF, Lodder P, Lorenz J, Łowicki P, Ly AL, Maassen E, Magyar-Russell GM, Maier M, Marsh DR, Martinez N, Martinie M, Martoyo I, Mason SE, Mauritsen AL, McAleer P, McCauley T, McCullough M, McKay R, McMahon CM, McNamara AA, Means KK, Mercier B, Mitkidis P, Monin B, Moon JW, Moreau D, Morgan J, Murphy J, Muscatt G, Nägel C, Nagy T, Nalborczyk L, Hajdu N, Nilsonne G, Noack P, Norenzayan A, Nuijten MB, Olsson-Collentine A, Oviedo L, Pavlov YG, Pawelski JO, Pearson HI, Pedder H, Peetz HK, Pinus M, Pirutinsky S, Polito V, Porubanova M, Poulin MJ, Prenoveau JM, Prince MA, Protzko J, Pryor C, Purzycki BG, Qiu L, Pütter JQ, Rabelo A, Radell ML,
Ramsay JE, Reid G, Roberts A, Root Luna LM, Ross RM, Roszak P, Roy N, Saarelainen S-MK, Sasaki JY, Schaumans C, Schivinski B, Schmitt MC, Schnitker SA, Schnuerch M, Schreiner MR, Schüttengruber V, Sebben S, Segerstrom SC, Seryczyńska B, Shjoedt U, Simsek M, Sleegers WWA, Smith ER, Sowden WJ, Späth M, Spörlein C, Stedden W, Stoevenbelt AH, Stuber S, Sulik J, Suwartono C, Syropoulos S, Szaszi B, Szecsi P, Tay L, Thibault RT, Thompson B, Thurn CM, Torralba J, Tuthill SD, Ullein A-M, Van Aert RCM, van Assen MALM, Van Cappellen P, Van den Akker OR, Van der Cruyssen I, Van der Noll J, van Dongen NNN, Van Lissa CJ, van Mulukom V, van Ravenzwaaij D, van Zyl CJJ, Vaughn LA, Većkalov B, Verschuere B, Vianello M, Vilanova F, Vishkin A, Vogel V, Vogelsmeier LVDE, Watanabe S, White CJM, Wiebels K, Wiechert S, Willett Z, Witkowiak M, Witvliet CVO, Wiwad D, Wuyts R, Xygalatas D, Yang X, Yeo DJ, Yilmaz O, Zarzeczna N, Zhao Y, Zijlmans J, van Elk M, and Wagenmakers E-J

Oxford Brookes departments

Department of Psychology, Health and Professional Development


Year of publication: 2022
Date of RADAR deposit: 2024-05-16

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

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