This paper looks at the effect schooling has had on household welfare in Sri Lanka during the 1990-2006 period, on average and across the welfare distribution. We account for the endogeneity of schooling using quantile instrumental variable estimation as developed in Chernozhukov at. al. (2015). We use pooled data from 4 cross section Household Income Expenditure Surveys. The results show that an extra year of schooling on the part of the most educated adult member in the household can increase welfare (proxied by real per capita consumption expenditure) by 3.8 per cent on average. However, the effect varies considerably across the welfare distribution: At the lower end, around the 20th and 25th quantiles, an extra year of education increases welfare by 6 and 5 per cent, respectively, while at the median it is around 3.5 per cent. At the higher, 90th quantile it is much less, at 1 per cent. Thus the marginal effect of schooling on welfare is significant and positive at all levels of the welfare distribution, but highest on the lower and middle quartiles. This result is different to findings in the literature that tend to show larger effects at higher quantiles, when endogeneity is uncorrected.
Himaz, Rozana Aturupane, Harsha
Faculty of Business\Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics
Year of publication: 2017Date of RADAR deposit: 2017-08-25