Thesis (Ph.D)

Art in the mouth: a critical evaluation of the chemical senses in contemporary art


Can the experiences that we have when we eat and smell make a meaningful contribution to art? Often referred to as ‘the bodily senses’ or ‘the lower senses’, the chemical senses of taste, olfaction and chemesthesis have been determined as unsuitable for inclusion in art in classical philosophical literature. This research challenges that exclusion by exploring the classical judgements and asking if these senses have anything to contribute to contemporary art. If so, what are the contributions of these senses and their limitations? This is new research within art theory that draws upon multidisciplinary research findings within the fields of life sciences, cognitive studies, anthropology, sociology, philosophy, food studies and flavour and fragrance chemistry. The contributions of this research are: assertions derived from data and expert opinions from within these fields; curated events which provide examples and discourse for critical consideration; and the proposal of a new paradigm that is the result of the synthesises of the research findings. My research strategy began with a survey of related literature and industry practice within art. A series of interviews with leading scientists contributed a contemporary understanding of these senses in life sciences. Case studies were developed, with insights from cognitive sciences, which investigated the conceptual potential of contemporary gastronomy. Finally, discourse was introduced through curated events and artistic actions that made relevant assertions concerning the suitability of these senses in art. Art is an expression of human experiences which are mediated by all of our senses. The implication of this research is a fresh starting place for critical discourse concerning the inclusion of the chemical senses in art that is founded upon current scientific knowledge. Broader implications of this research include a paradigm that could be applied to a possible new field of study, Critical Studies in Contemporary Gastronomy.

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Bromley, Ryan F.


Supervisors: Warr, Tracey; Pink, Ryan; Whitty, Paul

Oxford Brookes departments

School of Arts, Faculty of Technology, Design and Environment


Year: 2016

© Bromley, Ryan F.
Published by Oxford Brookes University
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