Conference Poster

A Design Research Study for an affordable, low carbon housing development in Oxford


The aim of my design research is to propose an affordable, low carbon housing development in Oxford Northern Gateway Area. Researches have shown that Oxford is lacking affordable housing and that the existing stock is neither energy efficient nor designed to cope with a changing climate. Besides, the occupancy pattern is going to change in the future, with the consequent necessity of rethinking housing size and creating flexible spaces. In order to achieve a sustainable development the project aims to combine environmental improvements with socio-economic aspects. Strategies to make each housing unit more flexible have been investigated, trying to contain the costs and, at the same time, providing quality spaces. To make houses affordable and easy to construct, a timber frame prototype has been developed, it will be built by the local community through an on-site workshop, so as to provide practical skills and the possibility to freely define spaces and functions.



Caporali, Valentina


Supervisors: Kessler, Maita

Oxford Brookes departments

Faculty of Technology, Design and Environment


Year: 2016

© The Author(s)
Published by Oxford Brookes University

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

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  • Collection: Research
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