In the main survey of this empirical research, 32 participants provided data for the analysis of the central correlation between the dependent variable and the independent variable, to understand to what extent young adult literature (X) plays a part in the political socialisation process of the millennial generation (Y) in the UK. The two leading questions that directly correlated with the research question of this dissertation were embedded among a total of 20 questions. The study is focused on the UK’s publishing industry as the country is home to some of the earliest established publishing houses worldwide. In form of a timeline, this study also provides an understanding of young adult literature as a genre from the acknowledgement of its existence in 1960s America to its development post Harry Potter. It considers how it contributes to the publishing discipline’s comprehension of the genre’s contribution to the making of citizens. The survey provides data that allows the researcher to present suggestions that benefit publishing businesses in varying departments. However, as it is addresses moral values and principles, applicability depends on a publishing house’s stance on business ethics, i.e. values versus capitalism.
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Kirchner, Marijke
Rights Holders: Kirchner, Marijke
Faculty of Technology, Design and Environment
MA Publishing Media
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