Journal Article

Towards international consensus on patient harm: perspectives on pressure injury policy


Aims To analyse influential policies that inform practice related to pressure injury management in Australia, England, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Scotland and the United States of America. Background Pressure injuries are associated with significant harm to patients, and carry economic consequences for the health sector. Internationally, preventing and managing pressure injuries is a key nursing activity and quality indicator. Evaluation Comparative review and synthesis of pressure injury policies that inform practice. Key issues The predominant focus of policy is on patient risk assessment, compliance with documentation and pressure relief. Financial penalty for institutions is emerging as a strategy where pressure injuries occur. Comparisons of prevalence rates are hampered by the lack of consensus on data collection and reporting. To date there has been little evaluation of policy implementation and implemented policy strategies, associated guidelines remain founded upon expert opinion and low-level evidence. Implications for nursing management The pressure injury policy agenda has fostered a discourse of attention to incidents, compliance and penalty (sanctions). Prevention and intervention strategies are informed by technical and biomedical interpretations of patient risk and harm, with little attention given to the nature or design of nursing work. Considerable challenges remain if this policy agenda is successfully to eliminate pressure injury as a source of patient harm.

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Jackson, D
Hutchinson, M
Barnason, S
Mannix, J
Power, T
Usher, K

Oxford Brookes departments

Faculty of Health and Life Sciences\Department of Nursing


Year of publication: 2016
Date of RADAR deposit: 2016-12-01

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