BrookesHarvard EndNote style


BrookesHarvard style for use with EndNote desktop and Microsoft Word. This style is based on the book Cite Them Right, published by Palgrave McMillan. NOTE: there are two versions of the style. Cite Them Right recommends that if a source has 4 or more authors, only the first should be listed in the bibliography, followed by et al. The EndNote style "BrookesHarvard.ens" follows this format. Some publishers or academics (especially in the sciences) may require you to give all authors, so we also offer the EndNote style "BrookesHarvardAllAuthors.ens" which follows this format. If you are unsure which style you need, please check with your department.

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Teaching subject area



EndNote Word bibliographic style

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Graduate attributes

Digital and information literacy

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  • Owner: Joanna Cooksey
  • Collaborators: Jo Akers, Helen Whittaker, Gerard Helmich
  • Collection: Teaching collection
  • Version: 1 (show all)
  • Status: Live
  • Views (since Sept 2022): 1,677