Thesis (Ph.D)

A cross cultural study of consumer-based global brand equity in the restaurant industry


Consumers in contemporary society are increasingly exposed to global restaurant brands. As a result, global brand equity of restaurants has emerged as an essential subject of study. Although building brand equity ensures economic benefits, only a limited number of empirical studies are available in the context of the restaurant industry. More importantly, despite differences in the concepts and measurements of global and local brand equity, a great deal of research seems to have used the two interchangeably. In order to distinguish between the two, this study proposes a research model that compares consumers‘ value judgments across two cultures, and that includes cultural values as an independent variable. The mediating variable, Consumer-Based Global Brand Equity is examined from consumer-based and global perspectives. Brand loyalty, which is an outcome of Consumer-Based Global Brand Equity within the restaurant industry, is treated as a dependent variable. Additionally, the research model proposes brand reputation as a dependent variable that plays an important role in determining Consumer-Based Global Brand Equity. The specific objectives of the present research are as follows. First, to conduct a critical review of the literature on the antecedents and consequences of Consumer- Based Global Brand Equity. Second, to develop a theoretical model to conceptualise the relationship between antecedents and consequences of Consumer-Based Global Brand Equity for restaurant brands across two cultures: British and South Korean. Third, to assess the validity and reliability of the measurement scales for assessing Consumer-Based Global Brand Equity, cultural values and brand loyalty across two cultures. Finally, to examine the mediating role of Consumer-Based Global Brand Equity between cultural values and brand loyalty in the restaurant industry. To test this model, data is collected from consumers belonging to two different cultures: British and South Korean. This study employs a mixture of quantitative and qualitative research methods to capture the breadth and depth of the complex mindsets of consumers. A survey is conducted with British and South Korean native respondents and the data is analysed using SPSS. Prior to the survey interviews are used as a qualitative tool to obtain insight into consumers‘ views regarding global restaurant brands. Through the survey and analyses, several important findings of this research are found. Firstly, validity and reliability of cultural values – Collectivism, Masculinity, Uncertainty Avoidance, Power Distance, Long-Term Orientation and Materialism – are confirmed. Secondly, the Consumer-Based Global Brand Equity scale is also found to be valid and reliable: Brand Trust, Perceived Quality, Self-Congruence, Brand Awareness, Brand Association, and Brand Identification. Compared to previous research, the inclusion of cultural values and the other brand equity dimensions in this study enables a more thorough investigation of the concept of global brand equity. Moreover, the improved dimensions help in accurately measuring the consumers‘ perceptions of a global brand. The results of this study partially confirm the relationships between the dimensions of cultural values and Consumer- Based Global Brand Equity. Furthermore, the results show that Consumer-Based Global Brand Equity partially has a positive effect on brand reputation and brand loyalty. These results not only contribute to the development of a new research model on Consumer-Based Global Brand Equity but also have practical and managerial implications for the restaurant managers. The study also makes a significant contribution to the measurement of Consumer-Based Global Brand Equity in the restaurant industry and explores the relationship between the antecedents (cultural values) and the consequences (brand reputation and brand loyalty) of Consumer- Based Global Brand Equity. The comparison of cross-cultural data offers insights into efficient strategies that can be used to enforce brand reputation and secure brand loyalty in the global restaurant industry. Future studies can build on this model through application to different cultural populations.

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Han, S-H

Oxford Brookes departments

Business School
Oxford School of Hospitality Management


Year: 2012

© Han, S-H
Published by Oxford Brookes University
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