Research Report

Mapping mentoring in the creative industries


This report builds upon the 2019 report “Many Things to Many People: Formal Mentoring schemes and their management” (Gannon & Washington, 2019) but focuses specifically on mentoring in the Creative Industries (CIs). As a diverse and fragmented collection of sectors, success in the CIs is dependent upon the innovation and development of new businesses, and the entry and professional development of new and existing participants. Mentoring is often at the heart of these developments and innovations (Nesta, 2020; Paquette, 2012; Grugulis and Stoyanova 2012). However, there is limited understanding of the breadth, depth, quality and availability of mentoring provision in the CIs. For example, we know little about mentoring at: different levels (school leavers, graduate entrants, business support, mid-career and executive); across different sectors (fine art, design, film, music) or the purpose of these schemes (widening participation, improving diversity, career development, business development). In June 2021, an interdisciplinary team comprised of members from the Creative Industries Research & Innovation Network (CIRIN) and the International Centre for Coaching & Mentoring Studies (ICCAMS) in Oxford Brookes University, secured funding from the university’s internal Research Excellence 2021 awards to pursue this investigation. The team partnered with Creative UK to extend the reach of engagement with the CIs. As an interdisciplinary, collaborative project with industry partners, this study offers a timely opportunity to identify and nurture existing mentoring provision and promote good practice.

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Gannon, Judie M.
Cateridge, James
Dibeltulo, Silvia
Penchukova, Ksenia

Oxford Brookes departments

Oxford Brookes Business School
School of Arts
School of Education, Humanities and Languages


Year of publication: 2022
Date of RADAR deposit: 2023-11-16

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

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