Journal Article

Peri-conceptual and mid-pregnancy drinking: a cross-sectional assessment in two Scottish health board areas using a 7-day Retrospective Diary


Aims. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of a 7-day Retrospective Diary to assess peri-conceptual and mid-pregnancy alcohol consumption. Background. Alcohol consumption among women has increased significantly and is of international concern. Heavy episodic ('binge') drinking is commonplace and is associated with unintended pregnancy. Pre-pregnancy drinking is strongly associated with continued drinking in pregnancy. Routine antenatal assessment of alcohol history and current drinking is variable; potentially harmful peri-conceptual drinking may be missed if a woman reports low or no drinking during pregnancy. Design. Cross-sectional study (n = 510) in two Scottish health board areas. Methods. Face-to-face Retrospective Diary administration from February to June 2015 assessing alcohol consumption in peri-conceptual and mid-pregnancy periods. Women were recruited at the mid-pregnancy ultrasound clinic. Results. Of 510 women, 470 (92·0%) drank alcohol before their pregnancy; 187 (39·9%) drank every week. Retrospective assessment of peri-conceptual consumption identified heavy episodic drinking (more than six units on one occasion) in 52·2% (n = 266); 19·6% (n = 100) reported drinking more than 14 units per week, mostly at the weekend; 'mixing' of drinks was associated with significantly higher consumption. While consumption tailed off following pregnancy recognition, 5·5% (n = 28) still exceeded the recommended daily two-unit limit in pregnancy. Multivariable logistic regression identified that women who 'binged' peri-conceptually were 3·2 times more likely to do this. Conclusion. Statistically significant peri-conceptual consumption levels suggest a substantial proportion of alcohol-exposed pregnancies before pregnancy recognition. Not taking a detailed alcohol history, including patterns of consumption, will result in under-detection of alcohol-exposed pregnancies. The Retrospective Diary offers practitioners a detailed way of enquiring about alcohol history for this population.

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Symon, A
Rankin, J
Butcher, G
Barclay, K
MacDonald, M
Smith, L

Oxford Brookes departments

Faculty of Health and Life Sciences\Department of Psychology, Social Work and Public Health


Year of publication: 2016
Date of RADAR deposit: 2016-12-20

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

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