The semantics of web services can be described using ontology or formally specified in mathematical notations. The former is comprehensible and searchable, while the latter is testable and verifiable. To take advantage of both, we proposed, in our previous work, a transformation that takes an algebraic specification of a web service to generate a domain ontology and a semantic description of the service on that ontology. This paper investigates the quality of these two outputs by proposing a general framework of ontology evaluation that assesses them on 4 aspects of quality, which are decomposed into 8 factors and then measured by a set of 37 metrics. It reports a case study on 3 real-life examples of web services. The results show that the ontologies and semantic descriptions generated from formal specifications are of satisfactory quality.
Liu, DongmeiYang, YungfeiChen, YingZhu, HongBayley, IanAldea, Arantza
School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics
Year of publication: 2016Date of RADAR deposit: 2020-07-01
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