Book Chapter

Spaces for play : intergenerational community development of an urban park in the East Midlands of England


Learning and development occur in many spaces both within and outside formal education settings. This chapter explores progress and possibilities of a knowledge exchange programme with a third sector organisation involved with community development, playwork and youth work in an urban area of the East Midlands. Theoretical concepts draw on a growing international interest in intergenerational play (Graves, 2002, Thomas Lane et al 2021) and 'cultural circles' (Gill, 2021) as a method of challenging power and communication barriers between practitioners and multi-ethinic families. The knowledge exchange programme has included publications about out of school playschemes which partner with schools in order to address holiday hunger and community engagement which has led to funding for the development of an inner-city park as a multi-generational space. The chapter will also trouble the following questions which arise from current policy discourses in England which may also hold meaning for practitioners in international contexts:  * Why the need for universal Play Services rather than a targeted approach? * 'Holiday Hunger': does the terminology discriminate? * How do we raise the profile of children's Play as a non-negotiable starting point for universal service provision to children and young people? * What can be done to ‘connect' diverse communities living in close proximity and sharing amenities within urban areas? How can we celebrate differences whilst designing universal services which promote social cohesion through play and leisure spaces?

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Shaw, Linda Jane

Oxford Brookes departments

School of Education, Humanities and Languages


Year of publication: 2023
Date of RADAR deposit: 2023-10-19

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Related resources

This RADAR resource is the Accepted Manuscript of Spaces for Play: Intergenerational Community Development of an Urban Park in the East Midlands of England
This RADAR resource is Part of Sociological Research and Urban Children and Youth: Volume 32


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