Research Report

Contributing to public policy on accountability and standards in public life


Woodhouse’s research has conceptual and instrumental impact in the UK and internationally. Instrumentally, her research has provided the basis for recommendations on accountability made by political groups, such as parliamentary committees. These relate to the mechanisms by which accountability is secured and to the constitutional relationships between Parliament and the executive, ministers and their civil servants, and MPs and their constituents. Conceptually, this impact concerns the debate by political actors on political accountability, whether of individual Members of Parliament for the standards to which they adhere or individual Ministers for their responsibilities within and outside their departments.

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Woodhouse, D (Oxford Brookes University)

Oxford Brookes departments

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences\School of Law


Year of publication: 2013
Date of RADAR deposit: 2014-12-18

© Oxford Brookes University
Published by Oxford Brookes University

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