Journal Article

Perceptions of cannabis health information labels among people who use cannabis in the U.S. and Canada


Background. The emergence of legal cannabis industries poses a new public health challenge. Health information labels are part of the public health strategy for tobacco and alcohol, but there is limited research on cannabis-related messaging. This study explored perceptions of cannabis health information labels among people who used cannabis in the last 12 months residing in the U.S. and Canada. Methods. The Global Drug Survey (GDS) is a large anonymous cross-sectional web-survey. In GDS2019, respondents were presented with six labels with cannabis-related health information (dependence; driving stoned; harms of smoking; harms to developing brain; lack of motivation; effects on memory), and asked if information was new, believed, would it change behavior, and about acceptability of having health labels on legal products. This paper includes 1,275 respondents from Canada and 2,224 from U.S. states where cannabis was legal at the time of the survey, and 5,230 from other U.S. states. Results. Few respondents said that the information was new (6.6-24.6%). Most said the information was believable (63.5-72.0%) other than for the dependence message (28.1% new, 56.8% believed), which was perceived to be the least likely to change behavior (10.2%). Driving stoned was the message perceived to be the most likely to change behavior (58.5%). Respondents living in Canada were less likely to say information was new and rated most messages more believable than those in the U.S. Respondents from legal U.S. states were less likely to say information was new compared to other states. Respondents who used cannabis daily rated acceptability of labels lower (27.8%) than those using 1-48 days (40.6%). Conclusions. Novel, believable information may be more effective at changing behavior. Regular consumers may be less susceptible to messages. Information focusing on safer use strategies and benefits of reducing use may be more acceptable and should be assessed in future research.

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Winstock, Adam R.
Lynskey, Michael T.
Maier, Larissa J.
Ferris, Jason A.
Davies, Emma L.

Oxford Brookes departments

Department of Sport, Health Sciences and Social Work


Year of publication: 2020
Date of RADAR deposit: 2020-05-18

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

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