Charlotte Brown (Kaleidoscope Career Coaching Ltd) Julia Yates (City University, London)
Midlife women currently have the highest ever presence in the workplace with many juggling work with demanding home lives. Women are reporting increased dissatisfaction with their work-life balance yet few studies exist exploring how practical interventions might help. This action-research involved five female participants, based in London, on a career coaching programme designed to improve work-life balance. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis suggested the programme offered a safe place to support women in reconciling work and life roles with their individual values and needs. Through increasing positivity and resilience the coaching enabled participants to define and shape a better work-life balance.
midlife women, work-life balance, career coaching, interpretative phenomenological analysis, women’s careers
Accepted for publication: 15 January 2018 Published online: 1 February 2018
© the Author(s) Published by Oxford Brookes University