Journal Article

Empowering birthing people: Lessons from group antenatal care


Empowerment is a key aspect of relational, partnership-based care, and has been highlighted as a key outcome of group antenatal care (gANC). In order to explore how gANC facilitates empowerment, a systematic search and framework analysis of evaluations of gANC was undertaken. Findings from retrieved papers were mapped onto Zimmerman’s theory of empowerment. This suggested that gANC facilitates empowerment through helping others, knowledge about resources, self-efficacy and perceived control. However, situational awareness, decision making and problem solving were less apparent, indicating that birthing people might be further empowered if these mechanisms were incorporated into their care.

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Wilson, Charlotte
Hunter, Louise

Oxford Brookes departments

Oxford School of Nursing and Midwifery


Year of publication: 2023
Date of RADAR deposit: 2022-12-06

All rights reserved.

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