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The Olympic Programme (TOPS)


The acronym ‘TOP’ stands for ‘The Olympic Programme’. TOP, created in 1985, was established to maximise opportunities for generation of sponsorship revenue for the IOC, whilst at the same time reducing the substantial number of major corporate sponsors that had previously been involved with the Games to approximately seventy participating organisations. Corporate sponsors are all multi-national corporations that are global leaders in their respective industry.


AuthorsDr Elesa Argent
File formatapplication/msword
Publication date--
CopyrightCopyright JISC and Oxford Brookes University
LicenceThese materials are available for copying, use and re-use under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England and Wales Licence

This collection synthesises outputs from the JISC Learner Experiences of e-Learning programme. For more information see the project webpage.jisc logo
