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CENDEP WP-01-2021 Deaf Refugees Critical Review-Kate McAuliff.pdf

Deaf Refugees: A critical review of the current literature

This working paper presents a critical literature review of the current body of research about deaf refugees; a global population that is largely overlooked. While the literature is limited, this analysis provides insight into what is and is not known and explored about this marginalized demographic. To understand the current research about deaf refugees, an extensive and systematic review of existing literature was conducted. This review resulted in an analysis of how the current literature has largely (A) left multiple contextual gaps regarding deaf refugees, particularly those outside of the global North and (B) has generally limited the understanding of deaf refugees as victims or users within a system or related to an institution, thus overlooking deaf refugee agency. More importantly, this analysis identifies the need for increased research with deaf refugees and increased inclusion of deaf refugee research in the fields of Deaf Studies, Disability Studies, and Refugee Studies.

Type: text
Creators: McAuliff, Kate;
Year: 2021
Access: openAccess
Status: Live|Last updated:09 April 2021 15:46
Relevance: 0.33
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WP-02-2022-Understanding impacts of Sanitation on Women and links to GBV-Aparna Maladkar .pdf

Understanding impacts of Sanitation on Women and links to Gender Based Violence: Focus on East Africa

The desktop study has been undertaken to understand the impact of sanitation on women and girls, their health, and mainly impact on violence against women (VAW). The study identifies and highlights the different and specific needs and challenges that women and girls face regarding sanitation, and in the process aims to understand the link between sanitation and sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) to highlight limitations and gaps in furthering gender quality in sanitation. The study demonstrates that though there is growing literature on this subject, there is, at present, limited documentation, statistics and case studies to fully appreciate and understand the scope of this problem. Some guidance and tools are available; however, the success of these tools is not yet clear. Some key recommendations include gender mainstreaming and participatory Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) programmes; engagement and consultation with girls and women of all ages and backgrounds from the outset; improving understan…

Type: text
Creators: Maladkar, Aparna;
Year: 2022
Access: openAccess
Status: Live|Last updated:21 April 2022 13:27
Relevance: 0.289
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