Journal Article

Reverse engineering of algebraic inequalities for system reliability predictions and enhancing processes in engineering


—The paper examines the profound impact on the forecasted system reliability when one assumes average reliabilities on demand for components of various kinds but of the same type. In this paper, we use reverse engineering of a novel algebraic inequality to demonstrate that the prevalent practice of using average reliability on demand for components of the same type but different varieties to calculate system reliability on demand is fundamentally flawed. This approach can introduce significant errors due to the innate variability of components within a given type. Additionally, the paper illustrates the optimization of engineering processes using reverse engineering of sub-additive algebraic inequalities based on concave power laws. Employing reverse engineering on these sub-additive inequalities has paved the way for strategies that enhance the performance of diverse industrial processes. The primary advantage of these subadditive inequalities lies in their simplicity, rendering them particularly suitable for reverse engineering.

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Todinov, Michael

Oxford Brookes departments

School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics


Year of publication: 2023
Date of RADAR deposit: 2023-09-22

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This RADAR resource is the Accepted Manuscript of Reverse Engineering of Algebraic Inequalities for System Reliability Predictions and Enhancing Processes in Engineering


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